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How to Become a Licensed Esthetician in Nebraska

The Black Hills Gold Rush began in Sidney, Nebraska in 1874. While you may not make it rich or make history as an esthetician in Nebraska, you can still strike gold by helping people look and feel their best.

Becoming a licensed esthetician in any state is a process and Nebraska is no exception. If you are considering a career as a licensed esthetician in Nebraska, then keep reading to find out more about this process.

Esthetician License Requirements and Training Schools in Nebraska

Step 1: Complete a State Approved Esthetics Program

The Nebraska State Board of Cosmetology is the licensing body for estheticians in the state. According to the state board, an esthetician in Nebraska is allowed to use an electrical or mechanical apparatus or appliance in order to use or apply products to the skin for personal beauty care. They are only allowed to apply these things to the epidermal layer.

Those pursuing a license in esthetics will need to be at least 17 years of age and have graduated from high school or earned a GED. Candidates will also need to complete a 600-hour esthetics program that has been approved by the state. Currently, Nebraska does not offer an apprenticeship pathway to licensure.

Your esthetics education and training will need to include:

  • Manual and machine facials
  • Client consultation and assessment
  • Waxing and hair removal methods
  • Make-up applications and color theory
  • Infection control and safety procedures
  • Skin care products and chemistry
  • Business skills and ethics

Let Esthetician Schooling Connect You With a High Quality Esthetician School in Your Area!

Are you ready to take the next step and begin your career as a well-paid esthetician? Esthetician Schooling has partnered with some of the best esthetician schools in the nation.  Our huge network of nationally recognized esthetician schools will make it easy for you to find the right school and get started training immediately!

The beauty schools in our network contain one or more of the following high quality standards:

  • State Board Recognition
  • NACCAS Accreditation
  • Student Financial Aid
  • Job Placement Assistance for Those Who Qualify

To get started, simply fill out the quick 1-minute application below.


Step 2: Complete and Submit the Esthetician Application for Examination

After you have met the above qualifications, your next step is to submit the Esthetician by Examination Application. To submit the licensure application you must be at least 17 years of age and possess a high school diploma or equivalent.

To apply for licensure, you will need to do the following:

  • Complete and sign the Esthetician by Examination Application
  • Submit proof of age in the form of a birth certificate or baptismal certificate showing that you will be at least 17 years old on the date of your exam
  • Submit proof of citizenship in the form of a birth certificate or passport (other documents can be used, see page 1 of the application)
  • Submit proof of education in the form of a photocopy of your high school diploma or a GED certificate
  • Submit proof that you have successfully completed a basic first aid course
  • Submit proof of successful completion of a Nebraska esthetician program or apprentice training salon
  • Submit a current photo of yourself (for identification and to be admitted into the exam)
  • Submit payment for the licensure fee of $95, unless you are applying in an even-numbered year in the months of April through September, then your fee will be $25 (make your check/money order payable to Division of Public Health/Licensure Unit)

It is important to note that if you have been convicted or a misdemeanor or felony, you will need to provide additional documentation such as copies of arrest records, court records, addiction/mental health treatment and evaluation records, and a letter from your probation officer if you are on probation.

Once you have completed and signed the online application and your school or training salon has completed and signed the last page of the application, mail your application, required documents, and fee payment to:

Division of Public Health/Licensure Unit
301 Centennial Mall South
P.O. Box 94986
Lincoln, NE 68509-4986

Allow the State Board 10 to 15 days to process your application before they notify you of your eligibility to take the esthetician exam.


Registering and Scheduling Your Exam

In Nebraska, applicants are required to take the NIC written exam only. This exam is proctored by PSI Services. No practical exam is required.

Once the board has accepted your application to test, you will be notified and required to contact PSI by phone or online to schedule your examination. When you schedule your exam you will be required to pay the $53 examination fee directly to PSI.

You can register for the written examination by going here and doing the following:

  1. Select “Government/State Licensing Agencies” from the Select Organization drop-down menu.
  2. Select “Nebraska” from the Jurisdiction drop down menu.
  3. Select “NE Cosmetology” from the Select Account drop down menu.
  4. Click the “NE Esthetician Theory Examination – English” link in the Examination menu.
  5. After the webpage loads, click the “Sign In or Create an Account” button and either sign in or create a new account.

You also have the option of scheduling your exam over the phone by calling a PSI representative toll-free at 1-800-733-9267 (Monday through Friday from 7:30 AM to 8:00 PM EST and Saturday from 11:00 AM to 5:00 PM EST).

You can also schedule your written exam using PSI’s Interactive Voice Response System during non business hours at 1-800-733-

If you must reschedule your written exam, you can do so without forfeiting your fee by contacting PSI at least 2 business days prior to your scheduled exam date by calling1-800-733-9267 and using the automated system.


Step 3: Take and Pass the Esthetics Theory Exam

The state of Nebraska only requires that you take and pass the National Esthetics Theory Examination to qualify for state licensure. There is no practical exam. The exam is administered by the National-Interstate Council of State Boards of Cosmetology (NIC) and proctored by PSI Services.


Preparing for the Theory Exam

The National-Interstate Council of State Boards of Cosmetology (NIC) recommends the following reference materials to help you prepare for and pass the theory (written) exam, which can be purchased at discounted prices on Amazon:

We also recommend that you purchase and study the following books in preparation for your exam:


What to Bring to Your Exam

Sometimes coming to the test center the day prior to your exam can help you have a better idea of where you are going and help you to feel more comfortable on the actual day of your exam.

On the day of your exam, it is best to arrive about 30 minutes early. This will allow time for check-in and use of restroom facilities prior to the exam. You will need to bring a government-issued photo identification and your Authorization To Test (ATT) letter with you to the examination site.

Be sure to read over the PSI Candidate Information Bulletin so you know what to expect on the day of your exam.


The National Esthetics Theory Examination

You will have 90 minutes to complete this written exam. Each question is given in multiple choice form with four different answers to choose from. Only one answer is the correct answer.

The National Esthetics Theory Exam will contain the following topics:


  • Knowledge of infection control procedures
  • Methods of infection control
  • Human physiology and anatomy
  • Histology and physiology of the skin
  • Composition of body hair
  • Basic chemistry including the composition and purpose of cosmetic products


  • Client consultation and documentation
  • Exfoliation proceduresDemonstrate an understanding of massage movements and effects
  • Use of masks
  • Hair removal methods and procedures
  • Principles of and procedures for makeup application
  • Knowledge of the use of electrical equipment during skin services
  • Basic knowledge of other services such as body treatments and eyelash extensions

You must score a minimum of 75/100 in order to pass the exam.

More information about the exam, resources, and practice test questions can be found in the NIC Candidate Exam Bulletin.

You will be given your test results immediately after your examination is complete. Your results will be sent to the State Board and if you have passed you will be issued a Nebraska esthetician license.


Step 4: Renew Your NE Esthetician License Every Two Years

Estheticians practicing in the state of Nebraska are required to renew their license in even years by September 30th. A minimum of 8 hours of continuing education is required for renewal.

The license renewal fee is $118. You can renew your license online using the DHHS MyLicense eGov System or with a paper application.

If you are renewing by paper application, you can mail your completed and signed application, any required documents, and fee payment to:

Division of Public Health
Licensure Unit
PO Box 94986
Lincoln, NE 68509-4986

Please be aware that Your renewal application and fee (if applicable) must be postmarked ON or BEFORE September 30th to avoid expiration of your license. If you practice after the expiration date, an administrative penalty of $10 per day up to $1,000 will be assessed for each day of practice.


The Jurisprudence Exam

As a part of your license renewal, you may want to take the jurisprudence exam. This open-book test has 50 multiple choice questions regarding the practice of esthetics and Nebraska state law. The passing grade is 75 percent.

For a copy of the esthetics jurisprudence exam, send an email to Sometimes, this exam is also used as a condition of license probation.

The following materials are available to help you review for the exam:


Esthetician License Reciprocity in Nebraska

In order to obtain a Nebraska license via reciprocity, you must meet the standard qualifications, have completed a 600-hour esthetics training program, submit the Esthetician Application by Reciprocity, and pay the $95 fee (unless you are applying in an even-numbered year in the months of April through September, then your fee will be $25).

Be sure to include the necessary documents that provide:

  • Proof of age (you must be at least 17 years of age on or before the licensure examination)
  • Proof of legal U.S. citizenship or lawful presence
  • High school diploma or equivalent (GED)
  • Completion of a state approved esthetics program
  • Any convictions
  • Credentialing in another jurisdiction
  • Disciplinary action taken against you

You also must prove that your current license is in good standing and provide proof of having passed a written and practical examination.

Once you have completed and signed the application, mail it along with the required documents and your fee payment to:

P.O. Box 94986
Lincoln, NE 68509-4986

Allow the State Board sufficient time to process your application and mail you your Nebraska esthetician license.


Nebraska State Board of Cosmetology Contact Information

Nebraska Department of Health and Human Services
Nebraska State Board of Cosmetology
301 Centennial Mall South
1st Floor
P.O. Box 94986
Lincoln, NE 68509
Phone: 402-471-2117
Fax: 402-471-3577


Nebraska Written Exam Locations

Below is a map showing the locations of the written exam administered by PSI Services. Before you arrive at a PSI test center, please be sure to call PSI Services toll-free at 1-800-733-9267 to confirm the test center’s current address and inquire about their hours of operation.


Map of Written Exam Locations in Nebraska

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