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Alaska Board of Cosmetology: Esthetician License Requirements

Alaska’s cold dry air can have a negative impact on normally healthy skin. Many people in this beautiful state turn to estheticians in order to keep their skin feeling and looking its best. The demand for skin care specialists has led to a wide variety of job opportunities for estheticians in the state of Alaska.

There are many settings that require the work of a licensed esthetician in Alaska including:

  • Salons
  • Spas
  • Medical spas
  • Cruise ships
  • Dermatology offices
  • Resorts and hotels

If you enjoy helping others both look and feel their best and have an interest in science and caring for others, you may want to consider a career as an esthetician. If a career in esthetics in the state of Alaska sounds appealing to you, then continue reading to find out exactly what you need to know.

Esthetician License Requirements and Training Schools in Alaska

Step 1: Complete a State Approved Esthetics Program

As per the Alaska Board of Cosmetology, those aspiring to be licensed estheticians in the state of Alaska will need to complete at least 350 training hours at an approved school or through an approved apprenticeship. If you attend a state-approved esthetician school or esthetician program within a beauty school, the following subjects and hours are required:

  • Manual facials (60 hours)
  • Machine facials (40 hours)
  • Waxing (50 hours)
  • Make-up applications (50 hours)

If you choose to complete your training via the apprenticeship route, you will have one year to complete 350 hours with a licensed esthetician at an approved salon.

Let Esthetician Schooling Connect You With a High Quality Esthetician School in Your Area!

Are you ready to take the next step and begin your career as a well-paid esthetician? Esthetician Schooling has partnered with some of the best esthetician schools in the nation.  Our huge network of nationally recognized esthetician schools will make it easy for you to find the right school and get started training immediately!

The beauty schools in our network contain one or more of the following high quality standards:

  • State Board Recognition
  • NACCAS Accreditation
  • Student Financial Aid
  • Job Placement Assistance for Those Who Qualify

To get started, simply fill out the quick 1-minute application below.


Step 2: Complete and Submit the Esthetician Application for Examination

After you have completed your esthetics course or an esthetician apprenticeship, you will need to apply to take the esthetician licensing examination. The same application is used for those who are qualifying via education hours or apprenticeship hours. Your application must be notarized and you must submit original documents or certified true copies of your supportive training documents.

Along with your application, you will need to submit a $150 non-refundable application fee and a $120 examination fee. All of these must be received at least 30 days before your testing date. You can submit your $180 licensing fee now or once you have passed your exams.


Step 3: Take and Pass the Written and Practical Esthetician Examinations

The Alaska Board of Cosmetology will notify you upon approval of your exam application. The esthetics written and practical exams are given about every 4-8 weeks in either Anchorage, Fairbanks, or Juneau. The exams are sponsored by the National-Interstate Council of State Boards of Cosmetology (NIC).

The scheduled dates for both exams can be found by clicking on the links below:

In order to pass, you must score at least a 75 percent on both exams. If you take and fail the exams three or more times, the Alaska Board of Cosmetology will require additional hours of esthetics training.

Studying with other students in your field, reviewing your coursework and books, and taking practice tests can all help you be more prepared for both the written and practical exams.


Preparing for the Written and Practical Exams

The National-Interstate Council of State Boards of Cosmetology (NIC) recommends the following reference materials to help you prepare for and pass the written (theory) and practical esthetics exams, which can be purchased at discounted prices on Amazon:

We also recommend that you purchase and study the following books in preparation for your exams:


The Esthetics Written Exam

The written exam portion covers many different topics including:

  • Microbiology
  • Skin functions
  • Factors that impact the skin
  • Chemistry
  • Skin care products
  • Exfoliation
  • Steaming
  • Massage

Scientific concepts make up 60 percent of this written test while 40 percent of the questions deal with practices of esthetics. Be sure to bring two #2 pencils with you to the written exam along with your photo ID.


The Esthetics Practical Exam

Also offered via NIC, you can expect the practical exam to take about 90 minutes. The practical exam will cover the topics of:

  • Waxing and hair removal methods
  • Skin and eye care
  • Makeup
  • Facial massage

Be sure to arrive on time and bring your examination packet from the board. Clean and neat uniform smocks are required as you will be given credit based on your professional appearance. You will need to bring a photo ID to the testing center for your practical exam as well.

For the practical exam, you can use a mannequin or a live model. If you wish to bring a live model, they must not be in the cosmetology or barber field, must be over 15 years of age, and must sign a waiver. If you are using a mannequin, it must be clean and unused. A full list of supplies, rules, and topics covered can be found here.


Step 4: Renew Your AK Esthetician License Every Two Years

Once you have received your Alaska esthetician license, you will be required to renew it by August 31st on odd-numbered years. Renewing your license allows you to keep practicing as an esthetician in Alaska.

Alaska does not mandate continuing education hours, however, keeping up to date on advances in the field is commonplace and gives you a competitive edge. In fact, many estheticians join a professional association to help keep up their skills and learn about new techniques in esthetics.


Esthetician License Reciprocity in Alaska

Unlike some other states, the Alaska Board of Cosmetology does not allow license reciprocity. This means if you move from another state, your esthetics license will not be valid in Alaska. However, you can apply for licensure by waiver of examination. This requires a notarized application as well as original supporting documents sent directly from your state board of origin.

You must have completed a minimum of 350 hours during your training to apply for licensure by waiver of examination and have completed both the written and practical exams in another state. An application fee of $150 is required and an additional $180 will need to be paid if you are eligible to receive your license via a waiver of examination.


Alaska Board of Cosmetology Contact Information

Alaska Board of Barbers and Hairdressers
Juneau Address
333 Willoughby Avenue
9th Floor
Juneau, AK 99801-1770
Main Phone: (907) 465-2550
FAX: (907) 465-2974

Alaska Board of Barbers and Hairdressers
Anchorage Address
550 W. Seventh Avenue
Suite 1500
Anchorage, AK 99501-3567
Main Phone: (907) 269-8160
Main Fax: (907) 269-8156
Investigations Fax: (907) 269-8195

Cynthia Spencer, Licensing Examiner
P.O. Box 110806
Juneau AK 99811-0806
Phone: 907-465-2547
Fax: 907-465-2974

For students and apprentices only:
Mary Sikes
Phone: 907-465-3142
Fax: 907-465-2974

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