Esthetician Schools in Ohio
Alphabetized by City
We’ve rated 22 esthetician schools in Ohio using our five-star rating system. Click on the school’s name for more details about that school’s esthetics/skin care program and why they received the rating that was assigned to them. You’ll also be able to see what kind of rating and reviews the esthetician students gave that school as well.
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Are you ready to take the next step and begin your career as a well-paid esthetician? Esthetician Schooling has partnered with some of the best esthetician schools in the nation. Our huge network of nationally recognized esthetician schools will make it easy for you to find the right school and get started training immediately!
The beauty schools in our network contain one or more of the following high quality standards:
- State Board Recognition
- NACCAS Accreditation
- Student Financial Aid
- Job Placement Assistance for Those Who Qualify
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Cities A – C
Gerber’s Akron Beauty School*
1915 W. Market Street
Akron, OH 44313
Raphael’s School of Beauty Culture*
Alliance Campus
2445 W. State Street
Alliance, OH 44601
Casal Aveda Institute*
Austintown Plaza
6000 Mahoning Avenue
Austintown, OH 44515
Raphael’s School of Beauty Culture*
Boardman Campus
615 Boardman-Canfield Road
Boardman, OH 44512
Raphael’s School of Beauty Culture*
Brunswick Campus
3307 Center Road
Brunswick, OH 44212
National Beauty College*
4642 Cleveland Avenue NW
Canton, OH 44709
Summit Salon Academy*
3330 Parkcrest Lane
Cincinnati, OH 45211
Tri-County Beauty College*
155 Northland Blvd
Cincinnati, OH 45246
Western Hills School of Beauty & Hair Design*
6490 Glenway Avenue
Cincinnati, OH 45211

Cities C – M
Aveda Institute Columbus
Gateway Location
1581 N. High Street
Columbus, OH 43201
Aveda Institute Columbus*
Neil Avenue Location
1618 Neil Avenue
Columbus, OH 43201
New Directions Beauty Institute*
2013 E. Dublin-Granville Road
Columbus, OH 43229
The Spa School*
5050 N. High Street
Columbus, OH 43214
Creative Images Institute of Cosmetology*
North Dayton Location
7535 Poe Avenue
Dayton, OH 45414
Moler-Pickens Beauty Academy*
5951-S Boymel Drive
Fairfield, OH 45014
Miami-Jacobs Career College
6400 Rockside Road
Independence, OH 44131
Inner State Beauty School*
5150 Mayfield Road
Lyndhurst , OH 44124
The Salon Professional Academy
5919 Mayfield Road
Mayfield OH 44124

Cities M – W
Brown Aveda Institute*
Mentor Campus
8816 Mentor Avenue
Mentor, OH 44060
Raphael’s School of Beauty Culture*
Niles Campus
1324 Youngstown-Warren Road
Niles, OH 44446
Raphael’s School of Beauty Culture
North Olmsted Campus
24761 Lorain Road
North Olmsted, OH 44070
Elite School of Cosmetology*
175 Benedict Avenue
Norwalk, OH 44857
Toledo Academy of Beauty
3341 Navarre Avenue
Oregon, OH 43616
Summit Salon Academy Perrysburg*
116 W. South Boundary Street
Perrysburg, OH 43551
Paramount Beauty Academy*
1745 11th Street
Portsmouth, OH 45662
Brown Aveda Institute*
Rocky River Campus
19336 Detroit Road
Suite B-102
Rocky River, OH 44116
Aveda Fredric’s Institute*
7664 Voice of America Centre Drive
West Chester, OH 45069
*This school’s esthetics program has been accredited by the National Accrediting Commission of Career Arts & Sciences (NACCAS).