Esthetician Schools in Oregon
Alphabetized by City
We’ve rated 15 esthetician schools in Oregon using our five-star rating system. Click on the school’s name for more details about that school’s esthetics/skin care program and why they received the rating that was assigned to them. You’ll also be able to see what kind of rating and reviews the esthetician students gave that school as well.
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Are you ready to take the next step and begin your career as a well-paid esthetician? Esthetician Schooling has partnered with some of the best esthetician schools in the nation. Our huge network of nationally recognized esthetician schools will make it easy for you to find the right school and get started training immediately!
The beauty schools in our network contain one or more of the following high quality standards:
- State Board Recognition
- NACCAS Accreditation
- Student Financial Aid
- Job Placement Assistance for Those Who Qualify
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Cities A – H
Imani Institute of Cosmetology
2425 Siskiyou Blvd
Ashland, OR 97520
Northwest College School of Beauty*
Beaverton Campus
4200 SW Watson Avenue
Beaverton, OR 97005
Phagans’ Central Oregon Beauty College*
1310 NE Cushing Drive
Bend, OR 97701
Northwest College School of Beauty*
Clackamas Campus
8307 SE Monterey Avenue
Clackamas, OR 97086
Phagans’ Beauty College*
1565 SW 53rd Street
Corvallis, OR 97333
IBS School of Cosmetology & Massage
388 W. 7th Avenue
Eugene, OR 97401
Phagans’ Grants Pass College of Beauty*
304 NE Agness Avenue
Suite F
Grants Pass, OR 97526
Phagans School of Hair Design*
11860 SE 82nd Avenue
Happy Valley, OR 97086

Cities M – P
Northwest College School of Beauty*
Hillsboro Campus
1049 SW Baseline Road
Suite E
Hillsboro, OR 97123
College of Cosmetology*
357 E. Main Street
Klamath Falls, OR 97601
Northwest College School of Beauty*
Medford Campus
2241 Tower East
Medford, OR 97504
Phagans’ Newport Academy of Cosmetology Careers*
158 E. Olive Street
Newport, OR 97365
Aveda Institute Portland*
325 NW 13th Avenue
Portland, OR 97209
Beau Monde College of Hair Design*
2032 Lloyd Center
Portland, OR 97232
Bella Institute School of Cosmetology
11565 SW Hall Blvd
Suite 180
Portland, OR 97223
Paul Mitchell – The School*
234 SW Broadway
Portland, OR 97205

Cities P – T
Phagans School of Hair Design*
1542 NE Weidler Street
Portland, OR 97232
Portland Beauty School
8230 NE Siskiyou Street
Portland, OR 97220
Summit Salon Academy*
8820 SW Center Street
Portland, OR 97223
Roseburg Beauty College*
700 SE Stephens Street
Roseburg, OR 97470
College of Hair Design Careers*
1684 Clay Street NE
Salem, OR 97301
Phagans’ School of Beauty*
622 Lancaster Drive NE
Salem, OR 97301
Northwest College School of Beauty*
Springfield Campus
3150 Gateway Loop
Springfield, OR 97477
Northwest College School of Beauty*
Tualatin Campus
8345 SW Nyberg Street
Tualatin, OR 97062
*This school’s esthetics program has been accredited by the National Accrediting Commission of Career Arts & Sciences (NACCAS).